People’s personalities

People’s personalities

How many adjectives can you think of to describe people’s personalities? Make two lists on the board.


  • friendly
  • kind
  • ...


  • selfish
  • ...
  • ...


A Reading skills Understanding new words
Listen, and read the questionnaire. 

How important are they?

1 For me, friends are
a more important than my family.
b as important as my family.
c less important than my family. 

2 In my opinion, the quality that’s most important in a friend is
a loyalty.
b a good sense of humour.
c honesty.

3 I don’t get on well with people who
a are secretive.
b are unkind.
c try to control your life.

4 My parents
a know all my friends really well.
b know some of my friends, but not all of them.
c haven’t met many of my friends.

5 My friends and I
a agree about nearly everything.
b sometimes have different opinions.
c often have different opinions.

6 I think most people want friends who
a always support them.
b give them good advice.
c respect their opinions.

7 At the weekend I enjoy
a playing sport or going shopping with my friends.
b doing different things each week.
c spending time with my family or on my own.



8 When I go to a party,
a I usually spend most of the time chatting to my friends.
b I talk to people I know, but I like making new friends too.
c I always have a good time. It doesn’t matter who is there.

9 Generally speaking,
a I spend a lot of time texting people, or connecting with my friends on social media.
b I check my Facebook page occasionally, but not all the time.
c I’m happy doing my own thing and I rarely use social media.

Find the meaning of the words and expressions below. You can:

  • guess the meaning from similar words in your language.
  • guess the meaning from English words that you know.
  • look at the rest of the sentence and the sentences before and after it.
  • use your dictionary.

B Comprehension check Read the questionnaire again and choose your answers.
Then check your score in the key. Do you agree with the description?

C What do you think? Compare your results. Have you and your classmates got the same opinions about friendship?

Nouns describing personal qualities

A Look at the examples. Then complete the nouns with the right ending: -ty, -ence or -ness.

Erica’s a loyal friend. Her loyalty is very important to me.
Mark’s an independent person. I admire his independence.
Sue’s really kind. She believes that kindness is the most important quality of all.

B Put the ten nouns in order of importance to you.

C If you have time Work in pairs and compare your opinions.

About friendship

Use what you know

What sort of person are you? Are friendships important in your life? Write two paragraphs.

Paragraph 1
Describe what you’re like.

I’m quite a sociable person. For example, …

Paragraph 2
Describe the qualities that are important to you.

In my opinion, the most important qualities in a friendship are …
I like people who …
I don’t get on well with people who …

Expressing an opinion

  • To express your personal opinion, you can say:
    In my opinion, …
    For me, the most important thing is …
    I think … / I don’t think …

  • If you want to give an example, use:
    For example, …
    For instance, …

  • If you disagree with other opinions, you can say:
    Some people think that ... , but I don’t agree. / I disagree.