Extra reading:
Life and culture


Look at the photo. What do you think the poem is about?

I believe
There is enough food
On this planet
For everyone.

I believe
That it is possible
For all people
To live in peace.

I believe
We can live
Without guns,
I believe everyone
is important.

I believe there are good Christians
And good Muslims,
Good Jews
And good not sures.
I believe
There is good in everyone.
I believe in people.

If I did not believe
I would stop writing.

I know
Every day
Children cry for water,
And every day
Racists attack.
Still every day
Children play
With no care for colour.

So I believe there is hope
And I hope
That there are many believers
There is hope.
That is what I hope
And this is what I believe.
I believe in you,
Believe me.

Benjamin Zephaniah

About Benjamin Zephaniah

Benjamin and his twin sister were born in Birmingham in 1958 but he spent much of his childhood in Jamaica. He didn’t enjoy school, but he always loved writing poetry. He started to perform his poems in public at the age of 15. He wanted to take poetry everywhere and to everyone and he has succeeded. Audiences of all colours and all ages love him. He often writes poems which are funny but which have a serious message too.

A Read the poem. Are these sentences true or false?

Discuss the poem with the class. What sort of problems does Benjamin Zephaniah talk about? Do you agree or disagree with him?

B Do you like poetry? How many Slovenian poets do you know? Do you have any favourite poets or poems? Share your ideas with the class.