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Avtorji: Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones
Soavtorice slovenske izdaje: Elizabeth Walter, Kate Woodford, Jana Kunčič, Simona Napast
Ilustracije: Maurizio De Angelis (Beehive Illustration), Bryan Beach (Advocate Art), Seb Camagajevac (Beehive Illustration), Robert Fister (Umer Artists Agency), Mark Jordan (Umer Artists Agency), Graham Kennedy, Jure Kralj, Arpad Olbey (Beehive Illustration), David Semple, Laura Pérez Granel (Pencil Ilustradores) (glej seznam slikovnega gradiva spodaj)
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Urednica: Petra Bizjak Rogina
Direktor produkcije: Klemen Fedran
Izdala: Založba Rokus Klett, d. o. o.
Za založbo: Maruša Dejak
Elektronska izdaja različica 1.0
Ljubljana 2022
© Copyright Cambridge University Press 2021
Adapted for Slovenia and distributed by Rokus Klett
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Cover (Boy with Blue and green powder paint on face) ©Tim Gainey/Alamy, (Yellow supernova exploding in outer space) ©Oliver Burston/Alamy, (Girl celebrating holi, India. Covered in pink paint) ©hugh sturrock/Alamy
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