Communication through history
1 Look at the photos. What do they show?
an inscription on a stone
a cave painting
an e-reader
a printing press
2 Read and listen to the article. Choose the best paragraph heading for each paragraph. Note that there are two headings you don’t need.
Communication through history
3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 How important are books for you? Give reasons.
2 What book(s) have you read recently? How did you like them?
3 Do you prefer books or e-books? Give reasons.
4 VOCABULARY Read the article again. Find words or phrases with the following meaning.
A web page giving advice
1 Read this information and decide who it would be important for. Then answer the questions.
2 Put the words in brackets in the right position in the sentences.
3 Are the sentences on the left used to give advice or to give an opinion? Match each of them with one of the situations on the right.
4 Match the content with the five sections of the text.
5 What would be important advice for good online behaviour? Make notes.
Here are some ideas:
- what (not) to share on social networks
- creating secure passwords and how to keep them safe
- what to do when you receive offensive comments on social websites
- what you should know about uploading photos on social networks
6 Write the text for a web page giving advice on good online behaviour (about 200 words).
- Use an introduction and bullet points to structure your text.
- Use language from Exercises 2 and 3 to give advice, and make sure your readers understand what situations your advice refers to.