
Episode 3

1 Look at the photos and answer the questions.

2 Now read and listen to the photostory. Check your answers.

LUKE Guys, guys! Guess what!
OLIVIA They’re going to make a film here.
LUKE Oh. Right. You’ve heard then?
RYAN We have. They’re going to do some filming in the park. For a new sci-fi movie. And Megan’s really excited.
MEGAN I really am. Gregory Harris is in the film. He’s so cool. In fact, I think he’s my favourite actor of all time!

MEGAN Oh, sorry. Anyway, they’re going to choose people to be extras today. One o’clock at the Sports Centre in town. I’m definitely going. Imagine – me, in a film with Gregory Harris!
OLIVIA Ryan’s going, and so am I. How about you, Luke?
LUKE OK, why not? One o’clock at the Sports Centre? Let’s all meet there then

LUKE Don’t get too excited, Megan. You’re not going to meet him. Or even see him, probably.
RYAN Don’t be so sure, Luke. The thing is, they want extras for the film.
LUKE Extras?
MEGAN You know – the people who stand around and do things but don’t say anything.
LUKE Oh, come on, Megan. Everybody knows what extras are.

RYAN That’s odd. There’s no one here.
OLIVIA Have a look at this, guys. The time was eleven o’clock, not one o’clock.
MEGAN Oh, no! I read it wrong. I saw eleven and thought it was one! Oh, how could I be so stupid?
LUKE Looks like you’re not going to meet Gregory Harris after all, Megan.
MEGAN Oh, leave me alone, Luke!

3 Work in pairs. Discuss what happens next in the story. Write down your ideas.

We think Ryan goes to see the film director to try to help Megan.

4 Watch to find out how the story continues.

5 Mark the sentences True or False.


1 Find the expressions 1–6 in the story. Who says them? 

How do you say these expressions in your language?

2 Complete the conversation. Use the expressions in Exercise 1.

Expressions with get

1 Look at the sentences from the unit so far. Choose the correct meaning of get in each one.

2 Use a phrase from the list to complete each sentence.

3 Match the questions and answers.

4 Now write your answers to questions 2–5 in Exercise 3.

Extra exercises

Expressions with get

Asking for and offering help

1 Look at two sentences from the video. Which one is asking for help? Which one is offering help?

2 Now look at these sentences. Are they asking or offering help?

SPEAKING  Work in pairs. Use the questions in Exercises 1 and 2 to act out conversations in a shop, at home, at school and other places.