Would you like some sauce?

Food in the UK

A These are some examples of popular food in the UK. Match the words with the pictures. Then listen and check.

B What about you? How many of the things in 1A do you eat? Are they healthy or unhealthy?

C Find the names of six healthy things to eat. You’ve got one minute!

Extra vocabulary


Would you like some sauce?

A What can you say about the photo?

B Listen to the conversation. How many ‘food and drink’ words can you hear?

C Listen again and follow the text. 

The Kellys are having a barbecue in their garden. Jack and his mother, Sally, are there.

Mr Kelly: Jack, would you like a beefburger, a veggieburger or some sausages?
Jack: Er, could I have a beefburger and some sausages?
Mr Kelly: Yes, sure. Would you like some ‘special Caribbean barbecue sauce’?
Jack: No, thanks. I think I’ll have some ketchup.
Mr Kelly: What about you, Sally?
Mrs Ellis: I’d like a veggieburger and a baked potato, please, Mike. And I’d like some barbecue sauce, please.
Mr Kelly: OK.
Sadie: Would you like a drink, Sally?
Mrs Ellis: Yes, please.
Sadie: Lemonade or fruit juice?
Mrs Ellis: Could I have some lemonade?
Sadie: Here you are. Help yourself to some salad.
Mrs Ellis: Thanks very much.

Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

Števni in neštevni samostalniki,
Could I have / Would you like + a/some …?

Look at the examples and complete the explanations.


A Write complete sentences with a, an or some.

B Test a friend Write another sentence for 4A. Leave a space for a or some. Can your partner complete the sentence?

Would you like … rice?

C Work with a partner. Complete the conversation with these words.

Make a different conversation. Change what B says.

Weak forms

Listen and repeat the sentences. Practise the /ə/ sound in some, a, of, and.

1 Some peas, please.
2 A cup of coffee, please.
3 A glass of water, please.
4 Steak and chips, please.

The school canteen

A Look at the list of food, then listen to the conversation.

baked beans
2  baked potato
3  cheese
6  pasta
7  peas
8  salad

B What’s everyone having for lunch? Listen again then put the names of the food from the list to the right person.


Use what you know

Imagine you’re having lunch in the canteen at Westover School. Work with a partner and write a short menu. Then act a conversation like this:

A: What would you like?
B: Could I have a baked potato with some cheese, please?
A: Would you like some baked beans too?