Home economics: Cooking

Equipment for cooking

1A Look at the list and then match the words with the pictures.

The things we use when we are cooking are sometimes called ‘utensils’. These are some of the most common utensils:

1B Imagine you’re going to make a cake. Which utensils do you need?

Ways of cooking food

2A How do you say these words in your language?

2B Do you ever do any cooking? What sort of things do you cook? How do we usually cook these things?

fish   meat   chicken   a cake   eggs   carrots   potatoes   lasagne   bread

Making an apple pie

3 Here’s a recipe for apple pie. Why don’t you try it?

Apple pie


For the pastry
225g plain white flour
100g margarine or butter
3 tablespoons of cold water

For the filling
3 large or 4 medium apples
50g sugar

You will also need a large bowl, a saucepan and a pie dish.


  1. Make the pastry first. Put the flour into a large bowl.
  2. Cut the margarine or butter into small pieces. Using your fingers, mix it with the flour.
  3. When the mixture looks like breadcrumbs, add the cold water. Using a knife, mix the water into the flour. Bring the mixture together with your hands to form a ball. Add more water if necessary.
  4. Put the pastry in the fridge.
  5. Peel the apples. Cut them into pieces and cook them in a saucepan for a few minutes with the sugar and a little water.
  6. Roll the pastry. Put half of it in the bottom of the pie dish. Then add the apples.
  7. Put the rest of the pastry over the apples. Press down the pastry at the edges of the dish and cut off the extra pastry with a knife.
  8. Brush the pastry with a little milk. Make a small hole in the centre of the pastry.
  9. Cook the apple pie in the oven for 20–30 minutes at 190°C.

Apple pie is a popular pudding in the UK and in the USA. You can eat it with cream, or ice cream, or custard. In the north of England, people sometimes eat apple pie with cheese. English apple pie recipes go back a long way. The earliest recipe was in 1381.


4 What are some of your favourite things to eat? Share your ideas with your classmates. If you have time, write a simple recipe in English and then make a recipe book with your friends