Our world


1 Find the numbers 1–7 on the map and match them with the names of the continents.

2 Read the text and find answers to these questions.

The biggest continent in the world is Asia. The population of Asia is about 4.3 billion, so 60% of all the people in the world live there. The second biggest continent is Africa. 15% of the world’s population live in Africa. Africa is sometimes called ‘the birthplace of mankind’ because the first fossils of ‘homo sapiens’ – our ancestors – were found in east Africa. Antarctica is very cold and there are a lot of glaciers. Only 1,000 people live there all the time – they are scientists from all over the world.


3 Look at the map and the names of the countries in Europe. Which countries are near Slovenia?

4 Which continent are these countries in? How many do you know?

In English, a lot of names of countries end with the word ‘land’:

England, Finland, Greenland, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, New Zealand,
Poland, Scotland, Switzerland, Thailand.

How do you say ‘land’ in your language?

Capital cities

5 Match the names of the countries with the right capital city.

Geographical features

6 Find these things on the map (numbers 8–14). Copy and complete the names.