kitchen stars


1 Look at the photos. Where can you see the words in the list? Click on the right picture.

SPEAKING  What other food words do you know?

SPEAKING  Tell your partner what food you like and don’t like.

4 Look at the photos. What is unusual about the chefs? Read and check.

5 Mark the sentences True, False or Doesn’t say.

How you eat is important

SPEAKING  How often do you do these things? Tell the class.

2 Look again at the things in Exercise 1. Are they good things to do? Choose 1–3 (1 = a good thing to do, 2 = an OK thing to do, 3 = a bad thing to do).

SPEAKING  Compare your ideas with a partner.

must / mustn’t

1 Complete the sentences from the article with must or mustn’t. Then complete the rule.

2 Complete the dialogues. Use must or mustn’t and a verb from the list.

buy | eat | forget | give

SPEAKING  Work in pairs. Think of some things that are important for you to do (or not do) in the next few days.

Food and drink

1 Write the names of the food and drink under the photos. Listen and check.

SPEAKING  Click on the word in each group that is different? Why is it different?

SPEAKING  Look at the food words in Exercise 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions to find three things you both like.

Extra exercises

Food and drink