They’re good!


1 Match the sports in the list with the photos.

2 Look at Exercise 1. In which sports do you do these actions?

3 Read and listen to the article. Match the names with the photos.

4 Read the article again. Mark the correct choice for each sentence.

The importance of sport

1 Why do people do sport? Read the reasons below and add two more of your own. Put these reasons in order of importance.

It’s fun.

It’s good to win.

It’s healthy.

You can make friends.

It’s easy.

It’s exciting.

SPEAKING  Compare your ideas with others in the class.

can / can’t (ability)

1 Look at the article again and complete the sentences. Then complete the rule and the table.

2 Write sentences about John with can or can’t.

Get it right!

can / can't


Long vowel sound /ɔː/

3 Look at the activities in the list. Which things can you do?.

  • hit a golf ball
  • play the guitar
  • do a somersault
  • make a cake
  • skateboard
  • jump high
  • throw a ball 20 metres
  • spell your name in English
  • count to 20 in English
  • say the alphabet in less than 30 seconds

SPEAKING  Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.


1 Match the words in the list with the photos. Listen and check.

SPEAKING  Work in pairs. Which of these sports can/can’t you do? Tell your partner.

Extra exercises
