A surprise
for Olivia
1 Read and listen to the dialogue. What’s the surprise for Olivia?
OLIVIA Hey, Chloe. How are you?
CHLOE Hi, Olivia. I’m fine. How are you?
OLIVIA I’m happy. You know my brother, Patrick, right? Well, he’s got a new friend. He’s really cool.
CHLOE Really? Who is he? What does he look like?
OLIVIA Well, he’s got black hair. It’s short and it’s curly.
CHLOE Is he tall or short?
OLIVIA Quite tall, and good-looking. He’s got brown eyes and he wears glasses.
CHLOE Brown eyes and glasses?
OLIVIA Erm … yes, and he’s got a very nice smile. He’s so friendly.
CHLOE I know.
OLIVIA You know?
CHLOE He likes football and tennis and his name’s Freddie, right?
OLIVIA That’s right, but … but …
CHLOE And he’s got a sister?
OLIVIA How do you know?
CHLOE Freddie’s … my brother!
OLIVIA No way!
2 SPEAKING Which picture shows Freddie? Tell a partner.
Describing people (1)
1 Look at the words in the list. Put them under the correct headings. Some words can go under more than one heading.
2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Use the words in Exercise 1 to describe the people in the photos.

James Rodriguez

George Clooney


Describing people (2)
3 Match the words in the list with the pictures. Listen and check.
4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Listen and check.
Now match each sentence with a picture.
5 Complete the dialogue with the missing words. Listen and check.
6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Act out the dialogue.
Describing people
1 Complete the dialogue with answers in the list.
2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Think of a famous person. Ask and answer questions to guess who he/she is.
Attention to detail
1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Student A: flip the left card. Student B: flip the right card. Describe the people in your picture. Find the six differences.
Student A
Student B
2 SPEAKING Tell others in the class what differences you have found.