Parks around
the world

Parks around the world

1 Look at the photos. Find these five things and one action.

2 Read and listen to the article.

Match the photos with the parks.

3 Read the article again. Which parks are these sentences about?

Extra culture

The Volčji Potok Arboretum

A brochure for your town/city

1 Read Paul’s brochure for his town, Alderley Edge. Answer the question.

2 Which adjectives does Paul use to describe the good things in the town?

3 Write a brochure for your town/city. Remember to:

  • write a sentence to introduce your town (name, where it is).
  • say what there is in the town.
  • give some ideas for things to do there.
  • write a closing sentence.

4 Now write your brochure (60−80 words).