Coursework 1

  My guidebook

Ana’s making a guidebook about the UK. It’s for other foreign students who are interested in visiting the UK in the future. This is her first page. Read Ana’s page about ‘home life’ in the UK, then make your own ‘home life’ page for a guidebook for visitors to your country. Write about your daily life, and about everyday life in general in Slovenia.

Home life

If you stay with an English family, what will life be like? I don’t know if the Grants are a typical English family, but I’ll tell you about my life at their flat in northwest London.

During the week, the day starts at about 7.15. We have our breakfast in the kitchen. Tim and Penny Grant always have toast and coffee, but a lot of English people prefer tea. Charlie (Tim and Penny’s son) has orange juice and cereal. If everyone is in a hurry, we don’t have time to sit down. I often make a sandwich to take to the language school with me.

Tim and Penny leave the flat at about eight o’clock. They go to work on the tube. I get the bus to school. I usually walk to the bus stop with Charlie. A lot of British people travel to work by car. The roads are often very busy, especially during the ‘rush hour’ – the time when people go to work in the morning and go home at the end of the day.

We usually have our dinner together, but sometimes Penny works in the evening and sometimes Tim goes to the gym after work. We eat at about half past seven. After that, Tim usually watches TV, Charlie does his homework, and Penny spends time on the internet or talks to her friends on the phone. We go to bed at about eleven.

At the weekend, Charlie and Tim sometimes go to a football match, and Tim always washes the car. Penny does the housework and Tim does the shopping at the supermarket near the flat. It’s open nearly all the time and it’s huge, with a big car park. Sometimes we go to the cinema, or we go for a walk on Hampstead Heath. Sometimes Tim and Penny’s friends come to the flat for a meal, or just to say hello.

Tim likes DIY (‘Do it yourself’) and, at the moment, he’s making some shelves for the bathroom. Penny often goes cycling at the weekend. Charlie spends a lot of time at his friend’s flat, and he often argues with his parents when he doesn’t help at home!